
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Consequence for being attractive

I know, actually I'm really deeply know about it. I know I'm adorable and attractive. I know I always attract your attention. But, it is not fault to be attractive right? And, it doesn't mean you can do anything to me!

It is kinda sad for me when I know you did this to me. The ordeal will leave quite some time for me to recover. Please, leave me away and I'll feel much more better.
Cannot get it? Let me zoom it nearer.
It is damn icthy!!! Somoemore it is on my face!!! Mr. mosquito, please leave me alone!!!!


  1. How dare you let Mr Mosquito kisses you?

  2. kissed by a mosquito? sure very itchy huh...

  3. shelltox?? i duno how to spell...
    put 蚊香 may help i guess?! kekekeke..very funny la ur blog...u din put photo i oso duno u are talking about mosquitoes..hahahhaha
    how are u my dear~?

  4. yit ning: i'm fine over here :) same as usual lor..
